One day he decided to climb the tallest tower at the center of the world. He left from his home 7:30 AM. With him he took 40 stone blocks, 123 dirt blocks, 64 cobblestone blocks, 22 oak planks, an oak sapling, 35 sand blocks, two stacks of 64 gravel blocks, a piece of iron ore, 6 pieces of coal ore, an oak log, 9 pieces of glass, 1 piece of red cloth, 1 piece of orange cloth, 1 piece of yellow cloth, 1 piece of chartreuse cloth, 1 piece of green cloth, 1 piece of spring green cloth, 1 piece of cyan cloth, 1 piece of capri cloth, 1 piece of ultramarine cloth, 1 piece of violet cloth, 1 piece of purple cloth, 1 piece of magenta cloth, 1 piece of rose cloth, 1 piece of dark gray cloth, 1 piece of light gray cloth, 1 piece of white wool, no chunks of sponge as he couldn’t find any, a dandelion, a poppy, a brown mushroom, and a red mushroom, a single block of gold, a single block of iron, 3 smooth stone slabs, freshly smelted bricks, a single block of TNT, a bookshelf, a chunk of mossy cobblestone, a single block of obsidian, three stacks of 64 torches, two chests, a chunk of diamond ore, a block of diamond, a singular crafting table, a furnace, two oak signs, an oak door, a stack of 64 ladders, a stack of 64 rails, 3 blocks of oak stairs, 3 blocks of cobblestone stairs, a stack of 64 redstone, 3 levers, a stone pressure plate, an iron door, an oak pressure plate, 5 chunks of redstone ore, 10 redstone torches, 3 stone buttons, a block of snow, 3 blocks of cactus, a block of clay, 9 pieces of sugar cane, a jukebox, 5 sections of oak fence, a carved pumpkin for company, a stack of 64 netherrack, a fair amount of soul sand (6 blocks), freshly made glowstone, a jack o’latern to keep the carved pumpkin company, a chunk of spruce log, a chunk of birch log, some spruce leaves, some birch leaves, a chunk of lapis lazuli ore, a block of lapis lazuli, a single dispenser, 2 blocks of sandstone, a set of note blocks, 1 block of orange wool, 1 block of magneta wool, 1 block of light blue wool, 1 block of yellow wool, 1 block of lime wool, 1 block of pink wool, 1 block of gray wool, 1 block of light gray wool, 1 block of cyan wool, 1 block of purple wool, 1 block of blue wool, 1 block of brown wool, 1 block of green wool, 1 block of red wool, 1 block of black wool, a piece of cake, a bed to sleep in, 1 block of smooth stone, a set of wood tools, a set of stone tools, a set of iron tools, a set of gold tools, a set of diamond tools, 3 sandstone slabs, a petrified oak slab, 6 cobblestone slabs, 7 sandstone slabs, a few redstone repeaters, a spruce sapling, and a birch sapling, a pair of powered rails, a detector rail, a clump of cobwebs, a shrub, a fern, a dead bush, an oak trapdoor, eight pistons, and a sticky piston, a brick slab, a stone brick slab, a stack of 64 stone bricks, a glass pane, a whole melon, a set of leather armor, a set of iron armor, a set of golden armor, and a set of diamond armor, an oak fence gate, a set of brick stairs, a pair of stone brick stairs, a nether brick clab, mycellium, a lily pad, some nether bricks, 4 pieces of nether brick fence, enough nether brick stairs to reach the second floor of his house, a stack of 5 nether warts, at last an enchanting table and a brewing stand to go with it, where would he be without the cauldron as well, a chunk of end stone, and finally a dragon egg which he wasn’t supposed to have. By the time he had everything prepared, he realized his pockets were too small, and arms too weak to carry his favorite things in this world with him to the top of the tallest tower, and so he decided to stay back on the ground at home, where all of it was. Top